What services do I provide?

Text Translation
Text Translation
$0.07/source word*
English to Russian only!
Subtitle Translation
Subtitle Translation
$3/runtime minute*
Sublitles/voice-over translation
$0.05/source word*
Post-editing machine translation 

* All rates are negotiable. 

   Freelancers, small businesses, non-profits and artists will surely get lower rates.



If you don't want to "hear" a translator's accent in the completed project, hire a proffesional who works only into their mother tongue. For example, being a native Russian speaker, I translate only English TO Russian (not vice versa)!

Specialty Areas

Websites & Apps
Websites & Apps
I've translated numerous websites, games and apps, wrote promotional articles for my clients, and I also have practical experience in online marketing.
Business & Marketing
Business & Marketing
Having BA degree and practical experience in business & marketing, I feel very comfortable working in this field. Please feel free to contact me if you need any help.
Knowing these industries inside and out, I delivered hundreds of thousands of translated words for hotels and restaurants.
TV & Movies
TV & Movies
Subtitles/voice-over translation is one of my favorite fields, and I've successfully worked with Netflix, Amazon, PBS and other major companies.

and also...

Religion gives us a way to understand who we are and teaches how to improve ourselves and treat your fellow man. Therefore, I always provide good discounts to religious organizations.
The future of our civilization depends on education, and working in this field is an honor. I've successfully worked with different publishing houses, scientists, educators and students and would be more than pleased to help you.
Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human culture. Majority of scientific papers I've translated belonged to this field. For me, it was a good opportunity to work and study at the same time.
Literature & Art 
Literature & Art 
Somebody said that art will save the world. And somebody else said that the future is dreamt by the artists. Anyway, you can't deny the fact that some artists (Jules Vernes, for example) predicted the future, and somebody's art helped people to heal their body or soul.